Alyssa has had some set backs battling cancer so to lift her spirits the TLC Foundation brought her a gift in hopes of bringing her some smiles. To keep Alyssa busy while she is in the hospital the TLC Foundation gifted her a Nintendo Switch. I hope this gift will help Alyssa pass the time away as she sits in a hospital bed battling this terrible...
Read MoreYesterday I went to the hospital to visit my …
Yesterday I went to the hospital to visit my friend Ceazon and deliver him a birthday present. Unfortunately by the time I arrived Ceazon was asleep, recovering from one of his procedures. I felt it was best not to wake him up. To surprise Ceazon his birthday present was placed beside his bed. I wish I could have been there to see the expressions on Ceazons face when he eventually woke up and saw this gift , I’m sure it brought some smiles and happiness. This is what the TLC Foundation is all about, bringing smiles and happiness to these very deserving...
Read MoreThank you to everyone that sent good thoughts and …
Thank you to everyone that sent good thoughts and prayers to my dear friend Layla. I got to spend some time with her today and I was very happy to see that she is doing better. Layla was able to communicate with me by giving me a thumbs up and nodding her head. When I told her that I have a big surprise waiting for her when she awoke she squeezed my hand so tight in excitement. Everything I witnessed today looked promising but there are still several unknowns and she still has some fighting to do, please continue to pray for her recovery. I am so blessed to get to know these amazing children, children like Layla, they fight everyday and they are all my heroes. I have learned so much from these children, they have taught me that I must fight harder to be able to continue doing all the great things the TLC Foundation does for these amazing children. To all those individuals that want to prevent the TLC Foundation from assisting children all I can say is that I will not give up because children like Layla need me and I need...
Read MoreMy dear friend Layla went through brain surgery to …
My dear friend Layla went through brain surgery to remove the newly found cancer. Yesterday I sat beside her bed holding her hand praying that she awakes , praying that the surgery was a success, praying that their was no damage done to her brain during this very complicated surgery. The doctors and nurses in the children’s critical care unit are truly amazing, Layla is receiving the best care possible by theses amazing individuals. Layla is a true fighter already battling and beating cancer once before then this other cruel and unexpected cancer returns to the other side of her brain. Let’s all pray that Layla recovers from this surgery. Layla can’t fight this alone she and her family need our help. Thank...
Read MoreI always knew that the TLC Foundation was …
I always knew that the TLC Foundation was important to the lives of these many deserving kids but today confirmed just how much we mean to these amazing kids. What transpired today hit me like a ton of bricks, it was very beautiful and moving to say the least. I went to the hospital this morning to see my friend Layla who was just admitted because her cancer has returned, it was devastating news to all that love her. When I entered the room Layla was sleeping so I told her dad that I would come back when she was awake. He informed me that Layla was asking about me and he didn’t want me to leave without seeing her so he decided to wake her up. When Layla awoke and saw me she put out her arms wanting to give me a hug. I can’t begin to tell you how I felt at that moment, she was so happy to see me, it was like all the pain and suffering went away for a few minutes as we hugged each other. There is a special place in my heart for my friend Layla, there is nothing I won’t do to help her get through this next battle. For all those individuals who always remind me not to get close to the children, you have never met Layla because if you did you couldn’t help yourself but feel for this wonderful...
Read MoreToday I was excited about seeing my friend Layla …
Today I was excited about seeing my friend Layla ring the ceremony bell that signifies the end of chemo treatments but last night it was discovered that the cancer has returned and Layla had to be rushed by ambulance to the children’s hospital from Windsor. I can’t begin to explain how terrible I feel for Layla and her family, this is so unfair, Layla doesn’t deserve this! Please send prayers and good thoughts to Layla and her family, they need all the support we can give them right now. I will be by Layla’s side as she battles this terrible disease, I will do all I can to help her get through this, it’s the least I can do for such an amazing...
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